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About Us

Chartered in April of 1995, Independence Patriots will be celebrating 25 years in just a few months. Established in order to expand membership in historic Independence, Missouri, the chapter is excited about participating in the activities of the SAR in celebrating the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution beginning next year and going through 2026. One of 15 chapters in the Missouri Society of the SAR, we share the pride we have in our Patriot ancestors and their participation in the events that created our nation of free people. We invite you to join us.


Contact / Meetings


3rd Saturday each month at 9 a.m. at the Community of Christ church at 500 E. Gudgell Ave. in Independence, MO



What Happens at Meetings?

Our monthly meetings are where we plan activities and events and talk about our shared passion for celebrating our Patriot ancestors. Our typical agenda includes an educational presentation by experts, guest speakers and members who are passionate about a specific aspect of the Revolutionary War or Colonial period. We also recognize those in our community who are role models of patriotism, good citizenship, community leaders and educators. We also recognize our youth leaders in scouting, ROTC, and other venues who are preparing for lives of service and community involvement. 


Activities and What We do



One of the purposes of the SAR reminds us and teaches the lessons of our colonial and patriot ancestors. Each chapter meeting has an educational presentation, Eagle Scouts are sponsored for scholarships through essay contests, on-site presentations and poster contests at elementary schools, and more.



Recognition is important to our chapter. Recognizing our veterans, first responders, civic servants, and others increases awareness within our community and encourages others to get involved.



At Independence Patriots Chapter SAR, we are dedicated encouraging and supporting acts of patriotism, including celebrating the naturalization of new US citizens.


Color Guard

Many members of our chapter participate in Color Guard which historical recreations of flag presentations at parades, veteran graveside services, civic events, etc. Recreating your patriot ancestor's uniform is exciting and fun!

Contact Independence Patriots Chapter SAR

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©2024 by Independence Patriots Chapter SAR.

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