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Do You Have a Patriot Ancestor?

Updated: Oct 3, 2021

Genealogy is a major activity in the lives of many Americans today. So many, in fact, that one might be pushing it to call it a hobby. As our lives and society become more complex and busy, we look more and more for meaning in our daily lives. Searching for our ancestors is one way we do that.

Genealogy has many goals, one of which is to determine if your "people" go back to the beginning our our nation and beyond. As a first grader I can remember sitting in class and learning about George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln. As a little boy I felt overwhelmed by how long ago those people and times were. I remember thinking that I had no connection to anyone from that history.

How wrong I was! I was an adult when I learned I had a patriot ancestor who participated in the creation of the United States of America. What a thrill! It took me awhile but with the help of some members of the SAR I was able to show my lineage back to Samuel Fitz Randolph and his participation in the New Jersey Militia in 1777. (See a copy of his commission above)

So if you aren't sure if you are descended from a Revolutionary veteran - or even if you are sure but don't know where to start to join the SAR, contact us via our email address,, or use the contact form on this website. We'll be glad to help!

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